BNKD East London Employee Recognition Awards 2023

Our fourth and final Year-End Functions and Employee Recognition Awards for 2023 took place at the East London office. This was another first for BNKD as EL hosted its very first awards at branch level.

A huge congratulations to the winners from our East London team!


Sikelelwa Foslara

The prestigious CEO’s Award was awarded to Sikelelwa Foslara
This national award recognises an employee for their outstanding commitment and courageous service to the company.

Sikelelwa Foslara, also received the Leader of the Year Award. This award recognises an employee for their demonstration of excellence in leadership and decision making. Sikelelwa demonstrates excellence in leadership as a Regional Executive for the Eastern Region.

Aviwe Nolatsho

Aviwe Nolatsho received the All-Rounder Award.
This office award is given to an employee in recognition of achieving excellence in their business unit and being the best worker across most business units.

Nkosi Mkhize

Nkosi Mkhize received the Night-Owl Award [Winner]. This award recognises an employee for keeping the most late hours at the East London office.

Yandisa Ngcongcobela

BonaPerson Award went to Yandisa Ngcongcobela. This award recognises an employee for consistently living by the values of Bonakude and demonstrates the spirit of teamwork by offering support to fellow employees.